
How To Make Sure You Have All-day Energy

8th July 2017

By MACROS | Published on July 8, 2017

Feel sleepy at certain points during the day? Don’t worry because here are MACROS’ solutions to hit back at tiredness and feel energised 24/7.


Motivate your morning with ginseng tea

Coffee might be your default setting but ginseng is the upgrade. The Asian variety reduced fatigue and improved endurance in a study of 332 people, according to research by the university of Maryland Medical Center, US.

The Mayo Clinic suggests if you want to take it in a supplement form then a typical dosage should be between 100-200mg, but cycle it for a period of eight weeks. It’ll help you get the wheels turing for the toughest of uphill finishes.


Accelerate your afternoon with pumpkin seeds

Stash a bag somewhere handy to surmount the hump of the midday slump. Pumpkin seeds contain essential magnesium. The Agricultural Research Services, US, suggest people with low magnesium levels in muscle are likely to use more energy and tire faster than those with adequate levels.

Your RDA for magnesium is 400-420mg and a meagre 100g of pumpkin and squash seeds dishes out 592mg. They’re the easiest way, so chew your afternoon out of an energy crisis.

Alternatively, supplements are a good way to get your fix of minerals. MHP’s natural diuretic, Xpel, provides you with potassium, magnesium and calcium in order to encourage optimal muscle performance by preventing dehydration from occurring and helping increase the absorption of fluids into the muscles.


– RELATED:  How To Deal With An Energy Slump –


Boost late nights with peppermint aroma

It’s wise to keep off the caffeine just before bed, although you may sometimes need a pick-me-up to burn the midnight oil – and nothing does it better than peppermint. It’s a natural stimulant shown to increase concentration and energy.

According to research by Wheeling Jesuit University, West Virginia, US, the smell of peppermint can have a profound effect on cognitive functions, alertness and productivity. Rub a few drops of peppermint oil on your chest when you need a boost.


Energize your evening by chewing almonds

Get ready for a whiskey-tango- foxtrot moment because although almonds are considered one of the best energy-providing foods out there, you can increase the benefits they have to offer just by eating them the right way, according to the Institute of Food Technology. You see, the more you chew them, the more nutrients you absorb.

We reckon its probably better for you to be a furious masticator when you’re in the comfort of your own home, just after you’ve finished work.