
3 Top Tips To Kill Hunger Cravings

10th August 2017

By MACROS | Published on August 10, 2017

If hunger pangs beat the effectiveness out of your good intentions then employ these nutritional tactics to bob and weave past every food craving.


Chew to get lean

Chewing gum does more than just give you fresh breath: it can help you fight off any urges you have to satisfy your sweet tooth. In a study of 115 volunteers by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, it was found that those who chomped sugar-free gum three times hourly in the afternoon consumed less sweet snacks than those who didn’t. Get masticating to lower your body fat.


– RELATED: Unable To Resist Food Cravings? It Might Not Be Your Fault –


Think it to avoid it

Did you know you can use visualisation tactics to kill hunger? A study at Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania, US, found that if you imagine eating a certain food it reduces your desire to consume it. Researchers asked subjects to imagine eating bag after bag of M&Ms before giving them the real thing, only to find they ate fewer. Visualising eating food might not be tasty but it’ll help you get lean.


Eat up to eat less

Night-time cravings are scarier than any boogieman for your body’s fat levels. Fortunately, you can stop them from the get-go by eating a high-protein breakfast first thing in the morning, found researchers at the University of Missouri, US. Load up on two eggs, a few rashers of bacon, a couple of sausages and a protein shake to make sure you eat yourself leaner.