Breakfast Recipes

3 Healthy and Quick Breakfast Recipes

2nd June 2017

By Harriet Mallinson | Published on June 2, 2017

Breakfast, for many, is arguably the best meal of the day but tragically it’s one that often gets ignored due to time constraints.

Foodies have taken to a US-based knowledge-sharing site to offer their thoughts and recipes to help those looking for tasty breakfasts which are both speedy and nutritious.

MACROS have rounded up three particularly delicious-looking ideas from the Quora thread, “What are some healthy and quick breakfasts?”


1. Chia Seed Pudding

Vivian Li, from San Jose, California, says she and her sister make this breakfast every morning.

“Literally all you do is throw in your ingredients (except for the fruit) the night before in a bowl, leave it in the fridge, and eat the next morning,” Vivian says.


1/3 cup chia seeds
1 table spoon ground flax seed
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk (or any milk)
1/4 cup chocolate protein powder or unsweetened powdered cocoa
1-2 teaspoons honey


1.  Mix until even, put in fridge overnight.
2. Throw on some fresh fruit (bananas, strawberries, blueberries, etc.) and eat the next morning.

“These are rough approximations for the proportions I use,” she says, “If you want it runnier, add more liquid. Thicker, less liquid. Adjust sweetness based on your preference, and feel free to add nuts. It’s such a flexible recipe!


– RELATED: Low Carb Waffles Recipe –


2. Breakfast Sandwich

Megan Foreman, from Dallas Texas, makes these for the work week and it’s her favorite breakfast.

“I make six for myself and six for my boyfriend every Sunday (he absolutely loves them),” she enthuses.


6-cup muffin tin
1 package of English muffins
1/2 dozen eggs
1 container of hummus (I prefer roasted garlic)
Hot sauce of your choice (Cholula is always a winner)
1 package of deli turkey or ham
Veggies of your choice (my boyfriend prefers peppers and onions, I like mushrooms)
Spinach or power greens
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees
2. Spray the tin with PAM or non-stick spray
3. Line the cups with 1 slice of turkey
4. Chop your veggies and put them in the cups until they’re about halfway full
5. Crack 1 egg into each cup and sprinkle salt and pepper (other seasonings and cheese work well too – adjust to taste!)
6. Put into the oven for 16 – 20 minutes (depending on how “done” you want your yolks
7. While eggs are cooking, toast the English muffins and put hummus, hot sauce and greens on each
8. When the eggs are finished, remove from the tin and put onto each sandwich


3. Lean & Green Smoothie

Curt Barter, founder of, from Sayulita, Mexico, recommends adding leafy greens to your smoothie so it’s packed with nutrients.

“This smoothie only contains 20g of sugar,” he says.


1/2 avocado
1 handful of kale
1 handful of spinach
1 cup coconut milk
2 cups water
1 frozen banana
1 tbsp. flax
1 tbsp. chia

“I recommend using a high-powered blender to blend all the ingredients thoroughly,” Curt advises.